
Can You Match These Prefixes Suffixes And Word Roots With Their Definitions Chapter 8

If you know the usage of Prefixes and Suffixes in the English Language well y'all volition be able to get through the Verbal Ability section of Competitive exams easily.

English or Exact Power is a common and important department of most of the Regime exams. To chief the verbal power section i needs to have a good knowledge of English vocabulary and word germination.

Hence, the article aims to impart knowledge on the formation of words in the English Linguistic communication by giving the usage and rules for prefixes and suffixes with examples. You volition too be able to download the listing of Prefixes and Suffixes for hereafter reference.

English language Prefix And Suffix PDF:- Download PDF Here

English language Prefixes & Suffixes With Examples

Prefix and Suffix are common in English and their correct use can assistance raise the language skills and deal with the unknown vocabulary easily. Let u.s. understand what does prefix and suffix mean.

What is Prefix?

A Prefix is a give-and-take that is added at the beginning of the root word to course a new discussion. A prefix word does not have any meaning of its own but when added to a root word it modifies the pregnant of the give-and-take. Prefix makes a word negative, indicate stance or show repetition.

Prefix examples :

  • Un (Prefix) + Happy (Root Word) = Unhappy (new word)
  • Dis (Prefix) + Organised (Root word) = Disorganised (new give-and-take)

What is Suffix?

Like Prefixes, Suffixes are also words that are added to the root word to grade a new discussion but suffixes are added at the terminate of the root word. Suffix does change the significant of the discussion it is added to but not brand the word opposite or negative as prefix do, it merely changes the class of the root word like a verb is changed into an adjective past adding a suffix.

Suffix examples:

  • Forget (root word) + Ful (Suffix) = Forgetful (New word)
  • Happy (root word) + Ness (Suffix) = Happiness (New word)

To understand the concept of English Root Words candidates can visit the linked folio.

List of Prefixes & Suffixes with Examples – Download PDF

Also, become through important rules and concepts based articles given below for assistance in the preparation of the English department.

Y'all can observe more such articles that are based on conceptual topics, important rules and lists on the Full general English language for Competitive exams page.

Rules to Add Prefixes & Suffixes

  • Use a hyphen (-) when adding a prefix to a common noun. For instance Pro-American, Anti-organized religion, etc.
  • Hyphen is must to be used after prefixes Self and Ex, example, Cocky-dependant, self-esteem, Ex-hubby, Ex-employee, etc.
  • When adding a Prefix, do not change the spelling of the original give-and-take or root word; Examples: Undo, disappear, irrelevant, cooperation, irrational, etc.
  • Repetition of letters is possible when calculation a prefix. Basically, point number 3 (do not modify spelling) is to be followed even if the spelling results in double consonants later adding the prefix.
  • There are certain words that start with prefix but do not have any prefix added to them similar the word Uncle.
  • Many Prefixes can have the aforementioned meaning such equally 'in' 'im' 'un' all these prefixes hateful 'reverse of' or 'not'.
  • Similarly, many Suffixes also accept the aforementioned meaning. Like the suffix, 'er' when added to whatsoever word will announce the action performed by the person. Example – Teacher, Gardener, Performer etc.
  • Suffix 'er' is also added towards the end of adjectives or adverbs to help compare two things. Instance- Slow becomes slower, soon becomes sooner, fast becomes faster etc.
  • When suffix is added , the spelling of the base of operations word can change . This is more often than not the case when the base words end with y or e . For example – happy becomes happier, costly become costlier with the suffix 'er', manage becomes managing, brand becomes making with the suffix 'ing'.
  • The Prefix that ends in a vowel, 'a' than the base of operations word starting with a consonant will use it as information technology is, like singular, amoral, etc.

Given beneath are a few important Questions And Answers based on frequently asked English language topics:

For more concept-based question and answers and English language exercises check the verbal ability page linked hither.

List of Suffixes & Prefixes

The Prefixes and Suffixes are based on English vocabulary which is asked in the form of fill in the blanks nether the Verbal Ability section of competitive exams. Check the list of Suffixes and prefixes with examples and download the Prefix and Suffix PDF for reference.

List of Prefix in English language
Prefix Word Meanings Prefix Examples
a without amoral, apolitical, atypical
ante before ancestor, antedate
anti confronting, opposing anti-war, anti-bacterial
arch more, extreme arch-capitalist, arch-rebel
automobile cocky auto-dial, automobile-rotate
bi two, twice bilingual, bisect, bi-monthly
circum round circumnavigate, circumvent
co with co-author, co-edit
col, com, con with collaborate, combine, connect
contra, counter against, opposing contraception, counterclaim, annul
de opposite action declassify, destroy
dia across diagonal, diameter
dis non, opposite of disagree, disprove, distrust, disbelief
dys abnormal dyslexia, dysfunctional
e electronic due east-book, electronic mail, east-governance
eco related to environs eco-tourism, eco-disaster
en(m) cause to encode, encompass
equi equal equidistant, equilateral
ex previously, sometime ex-president, ex-pupil
extra very actress-bright, extra-stiff
extra exterior actress-curricular, extrasensory, extraordinary
fore before Forecast, forelimb,
hyper too much hyperactive, hypersensitive
il, im, in, ir non, contrary of casuistic, incommunicable, indistinct, irrational
in(1000) motility to, in input, inset, intake, implant, import
inter between, connected interrelated, interact
intra within intra-generational, intramuscular
kilo thousand kilogram, kilometer, kilowatt
macro large macroeconomics, macro-scale
mal bad, badly malfunction, malpractice
micro small-scale micro-economics, micro-scale
mid center midway, midsummer
mis wrongly, incorrect mistake, mistranslate, misunderstanding
mono one mono-centric, monoculture
multi many multicultural, multi-level
neo something erstwhile in new form Neoclassical,
not not non-believer, not-competitive, nonsense
out more, to a bully extent outnumber, outlive, outburst, outrage
over over, above, likewise much overlook, overcook, overhead, overheat
mail afterward post-exam, post-modern, post-independence
pre before pre-industrial, preview, pre-war, pre-independence
pro in favour of pro-feminist, pro-liberal, proactive
pseudo false, pseudo-intellectual, pseudo-science
quasi well-nigh, not quite quasi-academic, quasi-legal
re once more rediscover, redefine, rename, return, rejuvenate
retro backwards retrogressive, retrospective
semi partly, half semicircle, semi-organic, semi-precious, semifinals
sub part of something, nether, beneath, subway, submarine, subsection
super to a higher place or bigger superpower, supersonic, superstar
trans across transcontinental, transcribe, send, transit
ultra farthermost ultra-sensitive, ultrasound, ultramodern
un not unusual, uncertain, unusual, unscrew, unplug, unfriendly
nether under, below, insufficient underpower, underemployed, undersea
well useful, successful well-designed, well-written. well-established

Bank check the links given below to know the difference betwixt important but confusing words in English linguistic communication:

  • Difference Between Eye and Heart
  • Difference Between Primary and Principle
  • Deviation Between Affect and Effect
  • Difference Between Likewise and Beside
  • Difference Between Program and Programme

Similarly, Candidates tin go through the 100 Difference Between Articles for Revision in the given link that are based on dissimilar topics, subjects and concepts.

Listing of Suffix in English language
Suffix Word Meaning Suffix Examples
-able, ible can be done doable, identifiable, predictable, possible
-al, ial has property of personal, partial, legal,
-ant having an effect disinfectant, coolant, accelerant
–based performing a major office of computer-based, oil-based, genetic-based
–cy state or quality accuracy, literacy, urgency,
-ed past tense of verb turned, ruined, cooked, cleaned
–ee person affected past something employee, interviewee, trainee, leaseholder
-en made of, being made gold, broaden, lighten
-er comparative higher, lighter, sooner, later
-er one who perform or do something doer, painter, singer, performer
-est top slightest, lightest, best, biggest
–complimentary without hasslefree, carefree, debt-costless, hurting-complimentary
–ful full of grateful, forgetful, fearful, careful, joyful
–hood status, period, country childhood, alliance, adulthood, motherhood
–ic having property of linguistic, photographic, electrical, democratic, heroic
–ics study of genetics, electronics, helmsmanship
–ify giving quality to something defy, clarify, purify, solidify, allocate
–ing present participle cooking, dancing, running
–ism behaviour or belief liberalism, modernism, heroism
-ist i who follows sure behaviours or belief Philanthropist, anarchist, optimist, activist
–(t)ion act or process reaction, action, projection
–(i)ty state of extremity, infinity, sanity
–(t)ive adjective active, motive, positive
–ize, -ise bring about a status or country modernize/modernise, colonize/colonise
–less without fearless, careless, meaningless
–like resemble another alike, bird-like, child-like
–ly, -y having \chop-chop, quietly, wordy, handy
–ment activity, process fulfilment, enjoyment, evolution
–ness state of, quality Happiness, newness, kindness, effectiveness, openness
–ocracy type of ruling trunk democracy, autocracy, meritocracy, bureaucracy
–ocrat person ruling autocrat, technocrat, democrat
–ology, -ological written report of archaeology, geology, biological science, physiological, biological,
–ous having callous, joyous, religious
–proof safe, protected confronting stain-proof, waterproof, dustproof, soundproof
–transport state or experience of specific position partnership, entrepreneurship, professorship, leadership

Candidates preparing for various government exams can check the following links for assist in comprehensive preparation:

  • Static GK
  • Daily Current Affairs
  • SSC General Sensation
  • Cyberbanking Awareness

Prefixes & Suffixes Practice Questions

Directions – Fill up in the blanks in the given sentences by adding correct prefixes or suffixes to the given base of operations word.

  1. He croaky the Civils Service Examination, he was ___ (success) for the second time.
  2. Ria is ___ (child), she was crying a minute ago and suddenly she started laughing.
  3. They are ___ (do), perhaps they volition win the ___ (champion) trophy.
  4. My brother's ___ (aim) is to exist a ____ (mathematics) when he grows up.
  5. He is ___ (manners), he does non know how to behave with elders.
  6. The current ___ (govern) did equally promised, the roads of the erstwhile city are now ___ (wide).
  7. A ___ (combine) of motivation and hard work tin can fulfil your dreams.
  8. The doctors accept brash her to be ___ (stress) only and so she tin overcome the __ (weak).
  9. She ___ (behave) in the course because of which teachers ___ (agree) to let her sit in the grade.
  10. College days are  ___ (memory) days because hither only we build ___ (relation) that are never ___ (forget).

English language Prefixes & Suffixes With Examples:- Download PDF Hither

The Prefixes and Suffixes are based on English vocabulary which is asked in the form of fill in the blanks under the Verbal Ability section of competitive exams.

Candidates preparing for the various government exams tin can refer to the detailed exam syllabus in the links given below:

Online Quiz 2022

Can You Match These Prefixes Suffixes And Word Roots With Their Definitions Chapter 8,


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